Are We The Training Service For You?

  • Hate normal gyms?
  • Sick of not getting results?
  • Want to feel fit?
  • Want to feel confident?
  • Enjoy a challenge?
  • Want a fun group of people to train with?
  • Want plenty of guidance/coaching to achieve your goals?

We’re here to help!!

Our Philosophy

  • We believe everyone should be fit and healthy and be confident in their body.
  • We believe everyone benefits from coaching on how to achieve their goals.
  • We want to give you all the help you need to get you where you want to be.
  • We train people 1-2-1 or in small groups – you get the attention you need.
  • We believe training should be challenging but rewarding and fun where possible.
  • We believe in measuring progress.  You’ll KNOW you’re getting better.
  • We believe you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your health to get a great body.
  • We believe success is founded upon improving your lifestyle and diet.

The Personal Touch

  • We keep our groups relatively small so we can get to know you.
  • We constantly look at how you move, what you’re good at, what you’re not…
  • We pay attention to what types of things you enjoy, what motivates you, things outside the gym you struggle with.
  • We do this to help you get the most out of working with us.

How We Train

  • We mix freeweight training, bodyweight training and cardio into workouts designed to develop total fitness.
  • We want you to be strong, powerful, agile and flexible, but with endurance and stamina to match.
  • In our workouts you might pick up weights and press them overhead, do pullups and run, all within the same session.
  • Our goal is to maximise progress, whilst keeping everything varied.
  • No two workouts are the same and whilst the program isn’t random (we plan meticulously) you’ll feel like every day is different.
  • We believe in measuring and progression.  Over time to get fitter and change your body, you need to DO MORE.  We strongly encourage performance goal setting and recording your workout results.